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Beyond Copenhagen

where to for global climate policy?

Watch it live on the green media box

10.30 - Introduction
Rebecca Harms
MEP, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group

10.45-13.00 - What future for climate policy? Lessons from Copenhagen

Public workshop with live streaming

  • What went wrong at Copenhagen and why?
    Mark Lynas, Advisor to the government of the Maldives and environmental activist
  • The role of emerging economies at Copenhagen and beyond
    Martin Khor
    , Executive Director of the South Centre
  • US climate policy beyond Copenhagen
    Jason Anderson
    , WWF European Policy Office
  • Europe's role in Copenhagen and relevance in future international climate policy
    Laurence Tubiana
    , Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations

Moderation: Yannick Jadot, French Green MEP

Conclusion: Satu Hassi, Finnish Green MEP

14.30-18.00 - Green politics beyond Copenhagen

Closed session for discussion amongst Green family members on strategy beyond Copenhagen

Further information and registration:
please contact greens.stopclimatechange@europarl.europa.eu

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot

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