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Green Summit in Vienna

Greens debate the future of Europe

European Greens met in Vienna for a summit to discuss the future of Europe on 8 and 9 March 2006. The two-day conference dealt with three core topics: 'Social, ecological and ethical responses to the challenges of globalisation', 'The future of the European Constitution' and 'South-East Europe: From crisis zone to peaceful European region'. The conference concluded with a public debate in the Schönbrunn Castle theatre on the theme of 'New Horizons for Europe'.

Green MEPs and national parliamentarians, such as Daniel Cohn-Bendit, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parlament, Alexander Van der Bellen, President of the Austrian Green Party, Jürgen Trittin, former Minister for Environment and now German Green MP and French socialist Ségolène Royal, took part in the summit.

The concluding public debate on 'New Horizons for Europe' took place in the Schönbrunn Castle theatre. The debate included Green MEPs Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Johannes Voggenhuber, French socialist Ségolène Royal, potential candidate for the French presidency, Nicolas Schmidt, Minister for European Affairs Luxemburg, ETUC Deputy General Secretary Reiner Hoffmann and Irena Lipowicz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and special rapporteur for German-Polish relations.

For further information, please read the reports on the three panels:

'Social, ecological and ethical responses to the challenges of globalisation'

'The future of the European Constitution'

'South-East Europe: From crisis zone to peaceful European region'

More information on the programme are available on this site or on the site of the Austrian Greens.


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