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Green Future Team

Help shape Europe's Green future - apply now!

The GREENS/EFA Group in the European Parliament is looking for dynamic young people who can think critically to participate in the Green Future Team, which will develop new ideas for discussion in the run-up to the European Green Summer University, from 29-31 August 2008 and possibly beyond. The Green Future Team will be made up of 10-15 young Europeans, chosen by the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, with the aim of ensuring both gender balance and appropriate regional representation are respected.

What will the Green Future Team do?

  • Team members will work together with young green-minded people across Europe and with well-known politicians, artists as well as other representatives of civil society and the academic world.
  • The Green Future Team will exchange ideas to identify the key issues for the future of Europe and make suggestions as to how these issues should be dealt with.
  • The team will work together online (through a web platform), and will also meet directly in different venues, including the European Parliament in Brussels. Finally, it will participate in the Green Summer University on the German-Polish border, at which it will present the conclusions of its work.

Who can apply? What are the requirements?

  • All young Europeans who are members of a member (or observer) party of the European Green Party or members of the Federation of Young European Greens and are younger than 28 years old on 31 August 2008.
  • You should have access to internet and be interested in web-based network tools.
  • The working language is English, so a working knowledge is essential.
  • People who are flexible and ready to dedicate their time to actively exchange ideas on the Europe of the future with the other group members; therefore people who are available to take part in several meetings in different locations (i,e, involving travel).

What do you have to do?

  • Send an application letter to the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament together with your CV. Tell us why you are the right choice for the Green 'future team' and outline your motivation either in written or audiovisual form (sending us a self-produced video file).

Further information:

  • There is no remuneration for the team membership.
  • Travel as well as accommodation costs for team meetings and summer university days will be paid by the Greens/EFA group.
  • You should be ready to work at least 4 hours per week (plus meetings).
  • Please send your application before 29 February 2008 to our project coordinator under the following address: greenfutureteam@europarl.europa.eu


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