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Biomass and biofuels

European's Parliament Energy committee voted on biomass report

The ITRE (Industry, Technology, Research and Energy) committee seemed very pleased by the content of the amended report as all the MEPs voted for the adoption of the text in the end.

Greens MEPs managed to get several amendments into the report, some of which are key for sustainable bioenergy. A couple of bad amendments made it also but there is still room for improvement before the final vote in the plenary session end of November.

The ITRE committee especially agreed on the following points:

  • putting energy savings and energy efficiency on top of the necessary energy policies (transport included) together with renewables;
  • aligning to the measures consistent with the EU agreed climate change target of 2°C;
  • expecting any coming biomass targets to be in line with the agreed EU target of 25% renewables by 2020. ITRE recognised also that biomass stationary applications can contribute optimally to the EU climate targets;
  • urging the Member States for the sustainable cultivation of energy crops "without jeopardising food production";
  • requesting a mandatory and comprehensive certification scheme for sustainable biofuels (even though the specific words: "environmental and social" which should be linked to such a certification scheme were rejected)
  • underlining the higher potential and efficiency of "second generation" biofuels;
  • pointing out that the lack of clear environmental standards and safeguards could have significant negative effects, such as an increase in tropical deforestation. For this reason ITRE agreed to ban the use of palm oil for feeding our cars;
  • abolishing, unfortunately, the set-aside scheme and devise new incentives for energy crops whatever these crops are.

A draft and unofficial amended report can be downloaded here (pdf).
As soon as available the official report will be online on your www.stopclimatechange.net


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