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The European Green Party (EGP) is a European political party that is also known as the European Greens.
They bring together national parties that share the same Green values, and who are active across the entire European continent - both within the European Union and beyond.
They’re striving for a Green transformation of Europe and its economy, that will bring about a progressive and sustainable future for all its citizens.
As mentioned in the EU Treaties, their job is to "contribute to forming European awareness and to express the political will of the citizens of the European Union."
The European Green Party works very closely with our Group, the Greens-EFA group in the European Parliament. As a Europarty, it is the European Greens and its national Member Parties that run and contest the European elections. Once the elections are over, the elected Green candidates take up a seat in the Greens-EFA group as Members of the European Parliament.
Among other things, their positions focus on strengthening human rights, tackling climate change, creating good jobs, empowering young people and building a strong, democratic Europe.
More info www.europeangreens.eu
The Green European Foundation (GEF) is a European level political foundation funded by the European Parliament. It is linked to, but independent of, other European Green actors such as the European Green Party and the Green Group in the European Parliament.
The mission of GEF is to contribute to the development of a European public sphere and to foster greater involvement by citizens in European politics, ultimately forging a stronger, more participative democracy. GEF strives to mainstream discussions on European policies and politics both within and beyond the Green political family. It works to create a common Green vision for Europe and to communicate this to the wider public.
In its contribution to building another Europe, GEF seeks to encourage cross-border cooperation and exchanges. The foundation therefore acts as a platform to discuss Europe’s shared challenges, by bringing diverse actors together, from European to national foundations, think tanks, academics and NGOs. In other words, GEF aims at bridging the gap between activism at the national level and the decisions that are being made at the European level by coordinating a lively network.
GEF aspires to reach broader audiences across Europe by acting as a laboratory for new ideas through the Green European Journal and other publications in different languages. The foundation also develops capacity-building and political education programmes for its partners and for young activists eager to get involved at the European level. Finally, GEF supports its national partners across Europe to organise conferences, seminars and other exchanges, mainly through transnational projects. GEF operates within a European context beyond the borders of the EU, due to the EU’s ongoing expansion and Europe’s shared values and history.
More info https://gef.eu/

FYEG is the European umbrella organisation for Young Green organisations from all over the continent, from Georgia to Ireland and from Cyprus to Norway. Their 36 member organisations comprise various backgrounds: local ecological groups, student unions, youth wings of Green parties and Green Youth NGOs. In addition, they are also the independent, official youth wing of the European Green Party (EGP).
Their organisation is run by a voluntary Executive Committee, the Editorial Board of Ecosprinter (the FYEG online magazine), and the members of their working groups. The Committee and the Editorial Board are elected by their Member Organisations once every year. Anyone can join their working groups without having to be elected. Working group members will then elect two Working Group Coordinators.
In addition, a Secretary General is being elected every two years. The Secretary General works in the FYEG office in Brussels, alongside with their Project Assistant.
More info https://www.fyeg.org/