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Situation in Mali

Greens/EFA motion for a resolution

The European Parliament,

-        having regard to the statements of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU on the military coup in Mali,

-         having regard to the European Commission's humanitarian aid department declaration on prevention of humanitarian crisis in Mali,

-         having regard to UN Security Council's statements on military coup,

-         having regard to the 2006 agreement of Algiers on the development and peace in northern Mali,

-         having regard to the framework agreement signed on April 6, 2012 between the junta and ECOWAS,

–    having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

  • Whereas  the Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azwad has declared the control of the three regions of North Mal - Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu  with the objective of forming a new state,
  • Whereas  an Islamist group called Ansar Dine, which has close links with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), declared  to have control of Timbuktu  and seeks to impose Sharia law in Mali, 
  • Recalling that  several peace agreement was signed in the past between the government of mali and the Tuareg Liberation Movement, focussing on economic development of the north, decentralisation  and integration of Tuareg into civilian and military structures; whereas despite a series of peace initiatives, tensions persisted between the central government and the Touareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad,
  • Recalling that  a group of soldiers announced a coup d'état on the 22 March 2012, overthrowing Amadou Toumai Toure,  the democratically elected president,
  • Whereas a return to constitutional order, brokered by ECOWAS, was agreed and  in line with the country's constitution the speaker of the national assembly was sworn as acting president, 
  • Whereas  the humanitarian situation in the rebel-controlled area  has been deteriorating, as looting, abductions and chaos took place, forcing the population to flee the region,  
  • Whereas a combination of drought, poverty, high grain prices, environmental degradation and chronic under-development is affecting Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad, northern Cameroon and Nigeria and according to UN agencies more than 10 million people are struggling to get enough to eat,
  • Whereas the series of kidnappings claimed by a terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is still ongoing and that on 15 April a Swiss Christian missionary was kidnapped by a group in Timbuktu, which already holds 13 Westerners hostages;
  • Whereas the proliferation of arms emanating from Libya, drug trafficking,    high unemployment and poverty contribute to the destabilisation of the region as a whole,
  • Whereas the situation Libya led to uncontrolled huge weapons arsenal flow from Libya to the neighbouring countries and  the return of well-equipped mercenaries in Mali, have adverse consequences on the security and stability of all countries of the Sahel and West African region;
  • Whereas the rise of political Islam in West Africa such as "Boko Haram" should be countered by addressing  the structural causes of poverty both in Mali and in West Africa, which are economic and  social development as well as distribution of wealth,  
  • Whereas the causes of these conflicts are generally a failure to respect human rights, the absence of rule of law, ethnic and religious tensions,  organised crimes,  injustices,  inequalities and luck of economic development,
  • Whereas human rights are indivisible and respect for  civic rights as well as for socio-economic rights are vital for sustainable development  and peace,  
  • 1        Welcomes  the ECOWAS decisive action, which led to the reestablishment of  the constitutional order in Mali 

    2        Calls on the Malian authorities and the Tuareg liberation movement to reach a peaceful  and lasting solution through a constructive dialogue, 

    3        Is of the opinion that a  peaceful solution for Mali's conflict requires addressing  the route cause of the conflict, which implies fair access to resources, ensuring sustainable and equitable development of the regions and redistribution of wealth, guarantying the basic human rights including minority rights, 

    4        Calls for  an opening  of humanitarian corridor in order to help tens of thousands of people displaced by fighting in Mali, many of whom have sought refuge in neighbouring countries like Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso, calls also for a  comprehensive and rapid response to the  Sahel humanitarian crisis as a whole, 

    5        Calls on West African governments to fight against proliferation of arms, drug trafficking by putting  balanced and sustainable development at the heart of their development policy to provide basic public services to the population in genera and employment for the youth in particular,

    6        Calls on the authorities of Mali, West African governments and the  Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azwad, to do their at most  for  the immediate release of all hostages,  

    7        Is convinced that lasting solution in the region should aim at strengthening state institutions, active participation of citizens in decision making,  and laying the ground for   sustainable and equitable economic development,

    8        Calls on the Commission and the council  to take initiative together with ECOWAS to facilitate peace dialogue in the region,  

    9        Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU, the Commission, and the Security Council of the UN, African Union, and ECOWAS


Press release
Due Diligance Directive
Press release
Ilaria Salis
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini

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