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Press release |

Working time for lorry drivers

A victory for a more social Europe

Commenting on today's vote on the directive for working time for lorry drivers in the European Parliament's Social Affairs and Employment Committee, Green MEP Emilie Turunen (Denmark) said:

"Today's vote is a big victory for a more social Europe. It states that we do not distinguish between self-employed and employed drivers: all drivers are now covered by the Directive which closes unfair competition loopholes.

By demanding the same health and safety rules for all professional drivers, Parliament has sent a clear message that employment status should make no difference when it comes to working time.

Excluding self-employed drivers would have exacerbated the problem of drivers being pressured to accept false independent status and to work longer hours. It is a 1-0 victory for a social Europe who wants to defend equal rights for all workers!"


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