© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
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Press release |

Violations of rule of law, democracy & fundamental rights must be met with zero tolerance


Today, the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban will address MEPs in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, to present the priorities of the Hungarian Council Presidency. The Greens/EFA Group opposed inviting the Hungarian PM to the plenary and providing him a platform to spread disinformation and undermine European unity. 

Tineke Strik MEP, Greens/EFA MEP and European Parliament rapporteur on the situation in Hungary, comments: 

“It shouldn’t be normal practice to invite an autocrat who is notorious for violating the EU’s most fundamental values and for flaunting his attacks on the EU, to speak in the heart of European democracy.

“Having just visited Hungary, I’ve witnessed up close that Orban’s well-oiled machinery of intimidation, harassment, retaliation and criminalization of critical voices has gotten so severe that the chilling effect is painfully tangible. Those expressing criticism or working in defence of human rights and the rule of law are faced with intimidation, smear campaigns, and formal investigations. Fear is widespread and leads to self-censorship. 

“For the Parliament it is very clear: all these blatant violations of the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights, the foundation of our European Union, should be met with zero tolerance in the EU. 

“The democratic forces in this house are united in our steadfast support for the Hungarian people in their struggle against the ever growing autocracy of the Orban regime. We will spend the next five years standing up for the rights of those who fear speaking out or no longer have the avenues to do so. We will continue to fight for the fundamental rights of every single Hungarian citizen and to restore the rule of law in Hungary for real.”


Tineke Strik was recently appointed as European Parliament Rapporteur for the situation in Hungary. 

Responsible MEPs

Tineke Strik
Tineke Strik

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