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Urban mobility

MEPs call for shift away from diesel and move towards sustainable transport policy

The European Parliament's transport committee today adopted an initiative report outlining its position on urban mobility, which was drafted by Green MEP Karima Delli. After the vote, the rapporteur Karima Delli said:

"MEPs have today voted for a reorientation of transport policy in our cities, ensuring it can respond to major challenges facing the sector today. Encouragingly, a clear majority supported proposals to half the number of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030, with a view to fully phasing them out by 2050.  This would enable the transport sector to shift towards renewable and truly sustainable energy sources.

"Transport has major implications for climate change, public health and the environment. The sector is responsible for 70% of urban greenhouse gas emissions, whilst over 400,000 people die prematurely each year from air pollution, to which transport is a major contributor.

"The report adopted today calls for a clear timeline for the reduction of CO2 emissions from urban transport. It also calls for the introduction of car emissions tests based on real driving conditions and without the loopholes currently being considered. Cities should develop sustainable transport plans. The report also urges a greater implementation of smart transport systems, which aim to limit traffic, for example by creating low emissions zones, with improved infrastructure for cycling and car sharing or real time traffic information. Revenue from tolls or road taxes should be devoted to sustainable mobility projects."


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Responsible MEPs

Karima Delli
Karima Delli

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