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Press release |

UN climate talks

EU Parliament renews pressure for stronger EU position in climate talks

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the outcome of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen last December. The resolution includes a call for the EU to improve its negotiating position and to remove question marks over its pledged climate aid. After the vote Finnish Green MEP Satu Hassi commented:

"It is high time for the EU to up its game in the UN climate negotiations and it is welcome that the European Parliament is continuing to push for this. After an ineffectual performance in Copenhagen, the EU must urgently resolve its divisions and speak with one voice in the UN climate talks from now on.

"Revising the EU's moth-eaten emissions pledge is a crucial first step to regaining the confidence of other countries. MEPs have kept up the pressure for the EU to improve its emissions target. Moving to a 30% emissions reduction target by 2020 will ensure the EU is making a comparable effort to other countries and thus help restore the EU's credibility in the negotiations. "

Commenting on pledged EU climate aid for developing countries, Dutch Green MEP Bas Eickhout commented:

"There are worrying signs that EU member states are trying to take money from existing development aid budgets and divert it to meet their pledges on 'fast-track' climate financing. Cheap accounting tricks and budgetary chicanery like this would be an insult to developing countries and would compound the suffering of the world's poorest. The EU has pledged €2.4bn per annum for 2010-2012. It must deliver on this pledge and not weasel out of it by recycling existing development aid. MEPs have recognised this in their resolution and called for climate funding to be new and additional."


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