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Putin must take responsibility for pro-Russian fighters - EU needs energy security strategy

Commenting on the results of the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Rebecca Harms, Greens/EFA co-President in the European Parliament, voiced her disappointment and called on the EU to develop a strategy for energy security: 

"It is hard to take this meeting seriously. As long as the Russian president continues to deny responsibility for the pro-Russian fighters or the recent presence of Russian soldiers in Donetsk and Lugansk even, there will be little progress towards peace. Instead of distancing himself from the pro-Russian fighters, Putin does the opposite and so maintains his strategy of trying to pass off these smuggled fighters as legitimate representatives of the region. And while he cheerfully smiles in Minsk, the supplies continue to flow from Russia to the fighters.

Poroshenko’s new peace plan is a step in the right direction. If the EU wants it to succeed, they must oblige Putin to end the supplies from Russia. Steps must also be taken to finally close the border to mercenaries and ensure border security with the help of the OSCE. The fact that the Russian government has so far refused these measures shows that Putin seeks further unrest and destabilization in Ukraine.

The EU should also focus on rapidly developing an energy security strategy for the coming winter. We need common agreement on an EU-wide energy emergency strategy. This strategy should also include the Ukraine. The Kiev government should also prepare citizens for unreliable winter supplies and make appropriate prior arrangements. Last minute, unplanned responses, which Ukraine has experienced before, are irresponsible."


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Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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