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Ukraine conflict

EU must convene summit on Russia and also push for UN Security Council involvement

Commenting on the latest situation in Ukraine, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

"The attack on Mariupol by the pro-Russian separatists was only possible with weapons supplied by Russia. The accompanying statement by the rebels made clear that they reject the Minsk agreement, in spite of the further developments agreed in Berlin last week, and the Russian authorities will not hold them to the agreement. The diplomatic process has been irrevocably overtaken by these events. Against this background, it is welcome that the Latvian EU presidency has called a council of EU foreign ministers. This council must prepare the ground for a summit of EU leaders on the crisis with Russia.

"It seems as if the Russian leadership is no longer interested in an honest and functional relationship with the EU. After the developments over the past few days, it is all the more important that the EU reacts in a united manner. The EU must now again discuss economic sanctions, as well as how to ensure aid and protection for the people in eastern Ukraine. The weakness of the OSCE mission must also be assessed. Just as with the EU, it is also important that the USA finally also speaks with one voice.

"The EU must also push for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. The 'undeclared war' in eastern Ukraine poses a threat to global security. All involved sides must be immediately brought to the table. The EU cannot allow Russia to block such an initiative."


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Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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