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UK election

Result brings enormous responsibility for Cameron

Commenting on the outcome of the UK election, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said:

"The outcome of the UK's election is clear. While we congratulate David Cameron, his re-election brings with it an enormous responsibility for the direction of the UK, its relationship with Europe and the future of the European Union.

"Europe and the UK will now be on tenterhooks for the promised referendum. The lack of political leadership on Europe has led us to a situation in which the UK is sleepwalking its way out of the EU. This would have dramatic and negative consequences for the UK and its component nations, as well as for the rest of Europe. We can only hope David Cameron finally wakes up to this risk and mobilises as wide a coalition as possible to campaign in favour of European Union membership and against the hara-kiri of Brexit.

"The Green Party deserves commendation for running such a positive and inspiring campaign and for managing to secure such a significant share of the national vote in the context of an electoral system that dramatically penalises smaller parties. In particular, we congratulate Caroline Lucas, whose impressive result is a source for hope. We would also like to congratulate our EFA member parties Plaid Cymru and the SNP, whose major victory sends a clear message to Westminster.

"We strongly support the Greens' campaign for a fairer electoral system. For outside onlookers, it is incomprehensible how a party can secure 4% of the national vote but only gain 1 out of 650 seats in the parliament. For all UK citizens whose votes are not given fair treatment under the current electoral system, we hope this long overdue reform will finally be taken up."


Press release
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© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
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Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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