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EP calls for EU to do more to support Syrian opposition

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Syria. After the vote, Green foreign affairs spokesperson Franziska Brantner said:

"The EP has called for the EU to do more to support the opposition in Syria. This means strengthening political, humanitarian and technical support as well as the opportunities for communication of the Syrian opposition. In this regard the participation of EU foreign policy representative Ashton, as EU representative, in the Syria contact group with Turkey and the Arab League is welcomed by the EP.

"The EU must also further tighten its sanctions against the Assad regime. Until now only 38 entities and 108 individuals have been targeted by an EU visa ban and asset freeze. This number should be at least doubled to put further pressure on the remaining supporters of the Assad regime.

"The EP has also given its support to the efforts of the Arab League to end the violence in Syria together with the UN, which include a ceasefire as a first step. The UN Security Council must focus on ensuring that those responsible for the gross human rights violations in Syria are held to account and that the situation in Syria is referred to the International Criminal Court."


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