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SNP MEP on 'Unrealistic' EU budget proposals

Press release from SNP MEP Ian Hudghton

SNP MEP and Party President Ian Hudghton has described today's proposed 6.8% increase in the EU budget as unrealistic and unworkable in the current economic climate.

The European Commission today announced proposals to increase the European Union budget to around 138bn euros in 2013, up from 129bn this year.

Commenting today, the SNP's leader in the European Parliament said:

"This proposed increase of nearly seven per cent in the EU budget for 2013 is unrealistic in the current economic climate.

"As people in Scotland and across Europe feel the effects of austerity driven spending cuts, I don't see how the EU could possibly justify this kind of increase.

"The EU cannot credibly expect member states to slash public spending, whilst at the same time demanding more money for the EU budget. The Commission needs to show budgetary restraint in the current climate.

"A more realistic approach would be something closer to an inflation linked increase or a real terms freeze, coupled with cuts in unnecessary spending. One example of this is the wasteful ITER nuclear fusion project which costs billions and delivers nothing.

"This would allow the EU to focus on promoting jobs and growth, particularly in the renewables sector, whilst maintaining its credibility with governments and people across Europe."


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