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Seal product trade ban

EU seal product ban made watertight

The European Parliament today approved a new law, adapting the EU's ban on the trade in seal products to make it fully compliant with World Trade Organization rules. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA spokesperson Igor Soltes said:

"The European Parliament has today voted to make the EU's landmark ban on the trade in seal products watertight. The new law adopted today will ensure the ban is fully WTO-compliant and will no longer be at the whim of legal challenges (1). The seal trade ban was a major animal rights achievement for the EU and it is welcome that this important and symbolic measure is maintained. We hope all EU member states and partners, including Nordic states, now fully row in behind the ban, which has overwhelmingly popular support across Europe (2)."

(1) The European Parliament today voted to approve a new law updating EU rules banning the trade in seal products, which were adopted in 2009. The new law maintains the ban, whilst ensuring it is fully WTO-compliant. Following challenges from Canada and Norway, the WTO said the EU could ban products on ethical grounds but outlined some necessary refinements.

(2) Some Nordic MEPs tried to change the proposal by introducing an additional exemption from the ban (there is already an Inuit exemption foreseen). This Maritime Resources Management exception would have made the ban incompatible with WTO rules. The MRM exception means that seals products coming from hunts that are necessary in order to prevent overpopulation of seals can also be placed on the market. However, the WTO considered it impossible to practically distinguish between MRM and commercial hunting. Thankfully, this was not included in the final law.


Press release
Press release
© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
Picture of the European Parliament - Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Igor Šoltes
Igor Šoltes

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