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Press release |

Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights:

Release Yulia Tymoshenko now!

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today ruled that Ukraine’s jailing of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was a politically motivated violation of her rights.

Commenting on the ruling, Rebecca Harms, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, said:

 I am delighted with the ruling of the Strasbourg judges. This further demonstrates a clear criticism of political persecution in the Ukraine and the court ruling strengthens all those who fight for human rights and for the liberation of Tymoshenko. The important 2012 ECHR ruling on the case of Yuri Luzenko has paved the way for the liberation of the Ukrainian politician.

"For the European Union, this ruling brings fresh motivation to continue to work to free Tymoshenko and to re-establish the reputations of all former persecuted members of government. It also signifies support for Pat Cox and Alexander Kwasniewski, who on behalf of the EU, are negotiating on this issue with the Ukrainian government.

"Selective, political justice in the Ukraine must end. In a democratic state neither government nor head of states should abuse their power by controlling and punishing their political opponents through unjust trial and imprisonment."

Commenting on the ECHR ruling, Werner Schulz, Green Member of the foreign affairs committee in the EO, said:

"I am pleased that the European Court of Human Rights has clearly and unequivocally recognized and condemned the political motivation of the criminal proceedings against Yulia Timoshenko by the current Ukrainian government. This is a great success for Yulia Timoshenko and for the citizens of the Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian government must now abide by its pledge to accept the ruling regardless of the outcome. The only acceptable consequence of this is the immediate release of the former prime minister. President Viktor Yanukovych should now prove his worth by calling off his politically motivated vendetta against his rival and thereby clear the way for closer ties between his country and Europe and for the signing of the Association Agreement."


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Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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