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Rule of law in Turkey

Greens express outrage as political advisor is targeted by Turkish police

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has responded strongly to the news that the home of a former member of their staff has been searched by Turkish police, and a warrant issued for his arrest.

The home of Ali Yurttagül, a former political advisor to the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, was searched by Turkish police yesterday. Mr Yurttagül now serves as an advisor to Greens/EFA Co-president Rebecca Harms on the topic of EU-Turkey relations.

It is understood that he faces allegations of having links with the “terror organisation FETÖ”. These allegations have been strongly denounced by the Greens/EFA group. Greens/EFA Co-president Rebecca Harms has called for an immediate stop to unfounded police action against him, and for the arrest warrant to be dropped.

Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

“Mr Yurttagül was a trusted and well-respected member of our staff and continues to advise me on relations with Turkey. I am deeply concerned at the way he has been treated. Any allegations that he has links to “terrorist networks” are unfounded and are a worrying example of an apparent anti-democratic backlash in Turkey.

“We demand the Turkish authorities drop the warrant for Mr Yurttagül's arrest and refrain from any further unfounded police action against him, and others like him.

“The attempted coup against the democratically elected government of Turkey was of great concern and we have criticised it publicly.  However, we are equally concerned about the growing number of police actions against various parts of the Turkish society, including independent journalists, judges and academics. The legal prosecution of those responsible for the attempted coup must happen on the basis of the rule of law."


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