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Roma expulsions

European Parliament sends a clear message to EU governments on Roma rights

The European Parliament today sent a strong signal of support to Roma communities and a clear message to EU governments, adopting a resolution demanding an immediate end to the deportations of hundreds of Roma from France to Bulgaria and Romania. (337 in favour, 245 against.51 abstentions). Reacting after the vote, French Green MEP Hélène Flautre, member of the Civil Liberties Committee and coordinator of the resolution on the Roma for the Greens/EFA group said:

"The ongoing Roma expulsions are a crucial test for Europe in its ability to meet its own human rights commitments, as enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. It is crucial to the EU's credibility that any attempts to flout these rights are confronted head on and perpetrators condemned, in order to ensure these basic rights are guaranteed to all European citizens. By explicitly criticising the French authorities, the European Parliament has fulfilled its role as a safeguard for the core values of the EU.

"We regret that the Commission continues to sit on its hands. It must also play its role in defending the rights of European citizens. This means criticising those member states, like France, that fail to respect those rights in contravention of EU law. The Commission should immediately publish its analysis and take the appropriate action to halt these ugly deportations.

"Beyond the urgent need to end the opprobrious expulsions, there is the wider need to recognise and guarantee the full rights of minorities across Europe. This includes rights of residence, access to schooling, health, the labour market, housing, political representation and freedom of movement. The Commission and member states must commit to outling and implementing a European strategy for Roma inclusion.

"Neither the French Government, nor any other government in the EU can maintain a system of discrimination, which targets the most vulnerable citizens on the basis of their origin. With this vote, the Parliament is sending a strong message to governments tempted by such unacceptable behaviour."

Below you can see pictures and poster from the Greens/EFA action in the hemicycle:


Position Paper
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Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
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