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Roma expulsions

France is Europe's outlaw

An analysis by the European Commission, which was reported today (1), has underlined concerns that the current expulsions of Roma by France are in conflict with European law.

Commenting on the analysis, Greens/EFA co-president Daniel Cohn-Bendit stated:

"The European treaties guarantee Europe's citizens basic rights, which are non-negotiable. It has been clear from the outset that the French government has simply ignored these rights in pursuing its ugly policy of expelling Roma. Today's analysis from the Commission confirms this.

The French government must immediately stop these appalling expulsions and bring itself back in line with European law. If it fails to do so, the Commission has a duty to intervene to guarantee these fundamental rights, as set out in EU law."

Notes to editors:1) http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LDE67T1VI.htm


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