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Revisions to Gas Directive will limit power of monopolies to threaten energy supply


On the night of the 12 February 2019, trilogue negotiations were concluded on revisions to the Gas Directive, which strengthens EU market rules around gas pipelines entering the EU from third countries. The revisions will make it harder for Member States and third countries, such as Russia, to pursue pipeline projects which that undermine European solidarity and pose a security risk, such as Nord Stream 2.

The revision will see third countries have to apply the same rules and standards as those inside the EU for pipelines entering Europe. The revision will reduce stop monopoly suppliers and ensure a more transparent procedure around approval for new supply paths.

Benedek Jávor MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the Gas Directive comments: 

"EU Member States cannot be held hostage to the whims of the Russian oligarchy wielding the very heating in our homes over our heads like some giant game of chess. Only a European energy policy based on solidarity and sustainability can work for European citizens now and in the future.

"Today's agreement will help guard against future attempts of Member States to undermine their EU partners and will enshrine the role of the Commission in all procedures. The German government's approach to Nord Stream 2 sells their EU partners short and flies in the face of European solidarity. If Nord Stream 2 becomes a reality, it will undermine the entire security of the EU, not just that of the Baltic countries and Eastern neighbours that Germany seems so desperate to cast aside.

"The fact that the revision will block future gas producers from also being suppliers will stop energy monopolies from threatening our energy supply. Transparency and a level-playing field for all the market players is the prerequisite for ensuring the security of supply for European citizens."


Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany
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Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

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Benedek Jávor
Benedek Jávor
Former Member

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