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Refugee crisis

EU governments must break the impasse

Commenting ahead of today's council of EU home affairs ministers on the refugee crisis, Green asylum and migration spokesperson Ska Keller, who was the European Parliament's rapporteur/draftsperson on the original redistribution scheme, said:

"The persistent prevarication and squabbling between EU governments on how to respond to the refugee emergency is now an existential threat for the European Union. Europe is faced as much with a solidarity crisis, as a refugee crisis. It is time for EU governments collectively to break the impasse and to find a fair and humane solution that prioritises the wellbeing of all those who have fled war and persecution. All EU member states signed up to the common values of freedom, justice and solidarity when they joined the Union. It is time for them to live up to these values."

Green asylum and migration spokesperson Judith Sargentini added:

"Today's council and tomorrow's EU summit must finally reorient EU asylum policy and ensure we have a functioning and fair EU system. EU leaders need to clear the way for a root and branch reform of the dysfunctional Dublin asylum system. They also finally need to give the go-ahead for a legal entry system for refugees to Europe and for a properly-resourced search and rescue programme. Finally, they need to agree on meaningful funding for the UN's refugee response and the UNHCR."


Press release
Mahmoud Sulaiman (Unsplash)
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© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
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Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini

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