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Referendum in Italy

Italians kick nuclear energy and Berlusconi into touch

A large majority of voters in Italy has voted in a referendum against the use of nuclear energy. Voters could also give their opinion on the privatisation of water utilities and on an amnesty law for the prime minister and its government. Commenting on the results of the referendum, Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European parliament, said:

”We Greens congratulate the Italians! The referendum shows that they are as reasonable as in 1987. Back then they also took a clear position against nuclear and voted in a referendum for the phase-out.Italy is another country that’s saying goodbye to the so-called 'nuclear renaissance'.

This is an important signal for Europe. After the catastrophe in Fukushima, Italy is, after Germany and Switzerland, the third country in Europe to turn its back on nuclear energy. As things now stand, a majority of EU member states either doesn't use nuclear energy or has decided to phase out this high risk technology. This majority of member states should now join forces to transform the energy system. The aim must be a complete switch to renewable energies, to more energy efficiency, to enhanced measures against climate change and a clear no to coal."

Dany Cohn-Bendit, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group said:

"In addition to the nuclear question, Berlsuconi suffered defeat on other issues. Italians voted by a huge majority in favour of repealing the so-called legitimate prevention law, which exempts Silvio Berlusconi from having to go to court.

He will thus be obliged, like any Italian citizen, to submit to normal legal procedures.We therefore have two pieces of good news, Italy has said no to nuclear power and no to Berlusconi, it's perfect."


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