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Greens/EFA demand urgent action on climate

Global climate strike

From tomorrow (Friday the 20th of September) on, people around the world will take to the streets to fight for the end of fossil fuels and more climate protection. From 21st to 23rd of September (Saturday to Monday), the United Nations Climate Action Summit will take place in New York. The 25th UN Climate Conference will begin on 2nd of December in Santiago de Chile. According to a recently published Eurobarometer survey, 93% of those surveyed consider climate change a serious problem. Time is short, but it is still possible to reach the Paris climate targets and limit global warming to 1.5c. The heads of state and government have committed themselves to communicate concrete plans to enhance ambition and meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement by 2020.


Bas Eickhout Greens/EFA MEP and head of the European Parliament delegation to the COP 25 in Santiago de Chile, comments:

"We need fast action now. CO2 must have a fair price. We urge the new European Commission to make climate priority a reality and increase our CO2-reduction target from the weak 40 per cent to at least 65 per cent by 2030. It is also unacceptable for aircraft and ships to not pay the price and to benefit from tax subsidies. We expect the Commission to immediately propose a fair kerosene tax and also let shipping pay a fair price for their CO2 pollution.

“People in the streets protesting worldwide for the protection of our planet and against an ever slow climate policy and scientists urging for quick action need to be heard now.”


Aileen McLeod, the Scottish Government’s former Minister for Environment and Climate Change and Greens/EFA MEP who will join the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, comments:

"For the new EU budget, we demand a clear commitment to 50 percent climate-friendly investments. The clock is ticking, but we can still limit global warming to 1.5 degrees with a radical change of course. By signing up to the Paris Agreement, the heads of state and government have set themselves a deadline to present ambitious steps at the world climate summit in Glasgow next year to achieve the Paris climate targets. The EU must not gamble away the opportunity to take the lead in global climate protection.

"Governments and the European Commission must finally listen and act on the Fridays for Future movement and scientists. We will hold Commissioner-designate Frans Timmermans to account and insist on concrete steps to get the climate crisis under control.“


Who will join the global climate strike?

Aileen McLeod will join the global climate strike in Glasgow, host of the 26th COP in the end of 2020.





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Right to Repair
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Methane Gas Regulation

Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Aileen McLeod
Aileen McLeod

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