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Press conference

The EU summit and Europe's role in UN climate negotiations

Press conference:
European climate leadership? The EU summit and Europe's role in the UN climate negotiations

Tuesday, 27 October, 11.00-11.30

Press Room, PHS 0A50, European Parliament, Brussels

Who: Green MEPs Satu Hassi (member of the EP delegation to COP15), Claude Turmes and Caroline Lucas will assess the prospects for the summit and what this would mean for the EU.

EU leaders, meeting at the European Council this week (29-30 October), are expected to fill in the gaps in the EU negotiating position for the crucial UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen (COP15, 7-18 December). The signals from recent meetings of finance and environment ministers are not good, and the outcome threatens to further undermine Europe's former leadership role in the UN climate talks.

The Greens/EFA group will also launch a dynamic new website, which measures up the showmanship of EU and industrialised countries' leaders against their actual climate policies.


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