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New EU Asylum Agency first step to a functioning common European asylum system


The European Parliament has just voted in favour of establishing a fully-fledged EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) which will replace the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). The Greens/EFA group welcomes the establishment of this new agency.
This is the first asylum related law to be adopted in the last six years, when the Commission proposed a second reform of the Common European Asylum System. Our agreement will reinforce the Agency's tasks and responsibilities to address protection gaps in the current asylum system and achieve greater uniform application of asylum rules. However, much more is needed to get to a fully functioning European asylum system.

Damian Boeselager, Volt MEP & Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the EU Asylum Agency, comments: 

"The deal on the European Asylum Agency comes at a significant time when dictators like Erdogan and Lukashenko are attempting to exploit the lack of a proper European asylum system to blackmail Europe for money. EU governments have mainly learned one thing: How to build walls and fences, and how to train border guards. Their motivation is clear: Build fortresses and keep people out. We have not learned how to be more compassionate. Or how to build a functioning asylum system.

“For this, the new and strengthened EUAA has the potential to be a significant building block. A smoother functioning Common European Asylum System can reduce the potential for humanitarian disasters such as the one currently unfolding at the Belarusian borders. However, much will depend on the negotiations of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, which are still ongoing.

It's baffling that six years since the last political crisis on migration, Europe continues to be unprepared to welcome those fleeing. Our inability to agree on a system will continue to be exploited by external actors, including Turkey and Belarus. We will continue to fight tirelessly with constructive partners, for a resilient, humane, and compassionate asylum system."


Responsible MEPs

Damian Boeselager
Damian Boeselager

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