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MEPs to vote on global minimum corporate tax rate for multinationals

Minimum tax

Today MEPs will debate and tomorrow will vote on the need for EU Member States to agree to proceed on the OECD framework for a minimum corporate tax rate. So far Poland is blocking the Council and holding the EU back in moving forward as a block on the international agreement, which would see a minimum corporate tax rate of 15% for large multinationals. Next Tuesday EU Ministers will meet to vote on the proposal for the third time.

Ernest Urtasun MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Tax Matters subcommittee, comments: 

“MEPs, civil society and citizens stand united in demanding real tax justice. The current proposal on the table for a minimum corporate tax rate for multinationals is not perfect but it is a first step on the road to tax justice. If Member States are serious about delivering for citizens then they should prioritise putting the EU at the forefront of the fight for tax justice during next week’s ECOFIN meeting. 

“So far the Council is unable to reach an agreement on a watered down text due to the short term interests of a handful of Member States such as Poland. Progress on issues fundamental to social justice are being held back by individual member states. It’s time to end unanimity for tax issues and deliver tax justice.”



Responsible MEPs

Ernest Urtasun
Ernest Urtasun

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