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Press release |


Germany, Sweden and Denmark are in breach of EU law

In response to a clear answer* from the European Commission to a written question concerning the legality of the cross-border usage of 'giga-liners', Michael Cramer, transport spokesman of the Green group in the European Parliament, states:

"It has now been confirmed by the Commission in black and white: The cross-border usage of giga-liners, which is currently taking place in a few European countries, contravenes EU law. The countries concerned, which includes the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, may now face a legal complaint by the European Commission due to the infringement of Directive 96/53/EG.

This is a major defeat for the monster-truck lobbyists, who have continuously tried to get the EU on their side by organising one-sided workshops and studies. However, the disadvantages of the monster-trucks are evident: The road infrastructure - roundabouts, turns and bridges - has to be upgraded by way of substantial investments. Only a small number of businesses will benefit from this and it will cost the tax payer dearly. Additionally, there will be a rise in accidents and increased safety risks for all road users.

The usage of giga-liners in Europe would favour the most environmentally damaging mode of transport with regards to long-distance travel and this would go at the expense of the more environmentally friendly and safer rail transport. The usage of monster-trucks would also result in more than 50% of the single wagon freight transport being shifted from rail to road. This makes a mockery of all the promises that have been made to fight climate change. The monster-trucks will not only have negative effects on the climate but also on the oil dependency of the transport sector. The strict evaluation of the European Commission in this case is therefore correct and absolutely necessary."

* You can find the written question and corresponding answer of the European Commission at http://www.michael-cramer.eu/show/3430974.html (in German)


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