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Major gap between expectations of citizens and decisions of governments

UN climate negotiations (COP24)

After two weeks of negotiations the 24. UN Climate Conference in Katowice/Poland came to an end. This COP was meant to come with concrete rules and political commitments on how to implement the Paris Agreement and keep global warming well below 2; preferably 1.5 degrees. But the governments did not deliver, says Bas Eickhout, official Greens/EFA representative to the European Parliament delegation in Katowice and leading candidate of the European Greens for the next European elections:

"This COP was a big disappointment. It showed that there is a major gap between the expectations of the citizens and the analysis of the scientists on one hand and the decisions of the governments on the other hand. 

"In Katowice, only technical progress was made but the thousands of people on the street don't demonstrate for a rulebook. They want ambitious climate protection. The governments disregarded citizens and scientists who showed in the recent IPCC report that more ambitious action is urgently needed to keep global warming well below 2 degrees."

Yannick Jadot, Climate spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, adds:

"The Member States of the European Union have a major responsibility for the weak COP24 outcome. After the drop out of the United States, the EU was the only party that could have brought the climate talks forward. But the European governments didn't show any leadership on more ambition.

"The EU can't hide anymore behind a vague long term strategy. If we want the global climate talks to be successful, the EU should urgently to agree on ambitious mid- and long-term targets. To put pressure on the other governments, the EU needs to come to the UN General Assembly in September with a clear commitment to reduce emissions by 55% in 2030."


© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
Picture of the European Parliament - Strasbourg
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot

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