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Press release |

Tough criminal provisions needed for fraudsters

Tax crimes and money laundering

The European Parliament's committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) has voted in favour of a report from Greens/EFA MEP Eva Joly on "Countering money laundering by criminal law". This proposal for a directive aims at strengthening and harmonising the definitions and penalties for money laundering across all 28 Member States.


Eva Joly, rapporteur for the opinion and spokesperson of the Greens/EFA, comments:


"As our investigation into the Panama Papers has made clear, differences in national legislation as regards money laundering are an obstacle to cross-border cooperation. Harmonising and reinforcing definitions, cooperation and sanctions across all 28 Member States would be an important step in the fight against these sorts of crimes.


"This is particularly relevant in light of the recent revelations of the Paradise Papers. We suggest making the fact that the offence was committed by Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), such as MPs or members of governments and international organisations, an aggravating circumstance.


"Impunity for tax evasion and money laundering must end. The measures proposed could go a long way in helping the fight for tax justice."


Responsible MEPs

Eva Joly
Eva Joly

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