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Judith Sargentini to lead investigation into Hungary


Greens/EFA MEP Judith Sargentini has today been appointed rapporteur for the European Parliament's investigation into whether Hungary is in breach of the values of the European Union. Sargentini's report will recommend what steps should be taken against Hungary for curbing freedom of the press, failing to uphold the rights of refugees and minorities, and it's actions again universities and NGOs.
The European Union has to do more than criticise Orban's actions, says Judith Sargentini:
“The Hungarian government seems to be on a witch-hunt against everything that belongs in a healthy democracy that respects rule of law. Time and time again, Orbán has gone against the norms and values of the European Union. When a country is no longer prepared to uphold our common values, it’s a logical step to take away its voting rights. Hungary cannot be allowed to block much needed solutions to our Union's common problems.
"Orbán’s actions have repeatedly provoked fierce debate in Europe. But action has never been forthcoming. With fellow EU countries refusing to call him to order, it now falls to the European Parliament to take the initiative. It is time that we – as the European Union – defend the values that we share as European countries."

On 15 May, the European Parliament backed a resolution on the situation in Hungary. The resolution mandated the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee to draw up a report on the infringement of fundamental principles and values by the Hungarian Government. On the basis of this report, the European Parliament may invite the Council to initiate proceedings against Hungary in accordance with Article 7. This would require a 2/3 majority in parliament.


European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini

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