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Press release |


Press Release from the EFA Group in the European Parliament

MEPs from the EFA (European Free Alliance) Group in the European Parliament have taken part in a symbolic action to show their solidarity with the people of France and the victims of the atrocities in Paris.

L to R: Ian Hudghton, Ernest Maragall, Jill Evans, Jordi Sebastià, Josep-Maria Terricabras.

The European Parliament held a minute's silence at the opening of this week's plenary session in Strasbourg on Monday.

MEPs strongly condemned the attacks and spoke out in favour of freedom of speech and freedom of expression in Europe.


Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
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Press release
Due Diligance Directive

Responsible MEPs

Jill Evans
Jill Evans
Ian Hudghton
Ian Hudghton
Ernest Maragall
Ernest Maragall
Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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