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Press release |

Increase in risk of domestic violence during COVID-19 outbreak

Quote from MEP Terry Reintke MEP

"While we applaud the necessary moves to create social distancing and flatten the curve with the Corona virus, these must come with moves to protect vulnerable people against domestic violence. Reports of almost double the number cases of domestic violence in China should be taken as a serious warning here in Europe, particularly for women and children, who are most at risk.
"That's why we are calling on the Commission and the Member States to complement social distance measures with measures against domestic violence. This includes in particular increased funding for domestic violence prevention measures, further development of the helpline and the establishment of a support network in the Member States.
"We must create a strong public awareness of the fact that women and children are particularly at risk because of isolation in their own homes. I therefore also call for this: Do not leave victims of domestic violence alone. If you yourself are a victim of domestic violence, seek help."


Press release
© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
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© Alexander Briel
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Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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