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Press release |

Illegal timber

EU governments cut tough measures out of illegal timber legislation

Today, the EU Council (representing Member State governments) officially adopted a common position on the draft Regulation on the illegal trade of timber and wood products. UK Green MEP Caroline Lucas, who drafts the EU Parliament legislative reports on this issue, commented:

"EU governments have shamefully cut several tough measures out of proposed legislation designed to rein in the rampant illegal deforestation that is occurring across the globe. Securing strong EU legislation against the illegal trade of timber would play a significant part in addressing climate change, since deforestation accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse emissions.

Although I welcome that Council has at last adopted a common position, the end result falls far short of the progressive position backed by the European Parliament in April last year. Council has failed to follow MEPs' call for a full ban on illegal timber, for a due diligence system and for sanctions and penalties to apply to all operators throughout the supply chain.

When the Regulation returns to Parliament for a second reading, I will work with fellow MEPs to reinstate the strict and effective measures that received overwhelming support last year."


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