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Press release |

Hearing with the Commissioner designate for the internal market, Sylvie Goulard

Greens/EFA reactions

After the joint ITRE-IMCO hearing with the Commissioner designate for the internal market, Sylvie Goulard, the Greens/EFA group decided to not support her after this hearing, but to ask further questions to the Commissioner designate as she was not clear in her answers to the Greens/EFA MEPs.


Ville Ninistö, coordinator for the Greens/EFA group in the ITRE Committee comments:

”Sylvie Goulard was far too vague in her answers. Her portfolio is key to put measures into place to make our economy sustainable and climate friendly. If the Commission is serious about the green new deal, we expect clear commitments from the Commissioner responsible for the Internal Market.

"We will request a second round of written questions to her; mainly to clarify what kind of concrete legislative proposals she wants to put on the table to strengthen the circular economy and to properly fix the aftermath of the Dieselgate scandal."


Marcel Kolaja, coordinator for the Greens/EFA group in the IMCO and Member of the Pirate Party comments:

"It was very disappointing that Sylvie Goulard did not commit to concrete policy measures to protect fundamental rights online. We need more clarity from her, how she wants to shape the digital agenda before we can give her a green light.

"We are not convinced about her answers on possible conflicts of interest and we are concerned that she is still under investigation by the European anti-fraud office OLAF."


Responsible MEPs

Marcel Kolaja
Marcel Kolaja
EP Quaestor, Member
Ville Niinistö
Ville Niinistö

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