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Greens/EFA welcome agreement on 50 billion aid package for Ukraine and call for revoking Viktor Orbán's voting rights


On EU leaders having found an agreement on the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework including the 50 billion aid package for Ukraine, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group, Terry Reintke MEP, comments:

"Finally, EU leaders have just got their act together and understood that Orbán only reacts to pressure. The good news is that the financial aid Ukraine so urgently needs will finally be paid out, and the country will be able to continue its fight against Russian aggression. It is essential that this money flows as quickly as possible and that Ukraine can rely on long-term support from the EU.

“Blackmail and blockade have become the norm and will continue to be at every Council  summit until leaders recognise that giving Viktor Orbán a veto is a carte blanche for him to use it against the EU’s interests. For too long EU leaders have allowed a seat at the table to a friend of Vladimir Putin and an autocrat who continues to silence critical journalists and attack minorities. The EU must not accept the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary. It’s time for the Member States to move forward on the Article 7 procedure and strip Viktor Orbán of his voting rights in the Council."


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Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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