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Greens/EFA support the European Parliament’s reading of EU budget for 2023

EU Budget 2023

Today, Members of the European Parliament have adopted its position on the General Budget of the European Union for the financial year of 2023. The Greens/EFA Group supports the Parliament's reading of the budget.

Francisco Guerreiro MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the General Budget of the European Union for the financial year of 2023 and member of the Budget committee, comments:

“The Greens/EFA successfully advocated for more ambition towards tackling climate change and biodiversity crisis, which is becoming increasingly urgent. During the budget negotiations, the Parliament’s groups have found a good compromise that addresses the crises and challenges currently faced by the European Union as a consequence of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. We also managed to negotiate large increases for humanitarian aid and support to the EU's Eastern and Southern neighborhoods and reinforcements for programmes that will further accelerate the energy transition for all and tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis both in the EU and globally.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the Multiannual Financial Framework is not fit for dealing with current needs or new emergencies. The Greens/EFA call on the European Commission to present an ambitious proposal for revision of the current Multiannual Financial Framework as soon as possible during 2023.

“It is sad to see that some groups in the European Parliament have exploited the accompanying budget resolution by attaching an islamophobic amendment to further sow discord and division within Europe. The EU must be an unconditional supporter of women’s freedoms and freedom of religion in the EU and in the world. The Greens/EFA fight for women’s rights, self-determination and the right to choose. This is why the Greens/EFA voted against the resolution accompanying the Parliament's reading on the budget.“


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Responsible MEPs

Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro

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