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Press release |

Greens/EFA reaction to Sylvie Goulard

New Commission

After having analysed the written answers of Sylvie Goulard, the Greens/EFA group pushed for a second hearing before the final assessment.

Ville Niinistö, Greens/EFA coordinator in the ITRE Committee comments:

"The written answers that we received yesterday showed progress compared to her first hearing where she was disappointing both on content and on the integrity questions. Climate emergency requires urgent action in circular economy.

"In her portfolio, she is responsible for big parts of the Green Deal and in her answers she was more concrete on possible consequences of Dieselgate and on circular economy. Still, a lot of points remain open. The size of the portfolio and therefore the capability to push an active and coherent agenda remains a question. The right way to address these questions in an transparent manner is a second hearing.”

Marcel Kolaja, Greens/EFA coordinator in the IMCO Committee comments:

"We are still very sceptical on her attitude on ethics questions. A second hearing is the right and transparent way to come to a final assessment. 

"Independently from the final assessment, the case of Sylvie Goulard clearly showed that there are huge problems with the side incomes of Members of the European Parliament. Therefore, the Greens/EFA group will propose a revision of the rules of procedure to limit the side incomes of Parliamentarians."


Responsible MEPs

Marcel Kolaja
Marcel Kolaja
EP Quaestor, Member
Ville Niinistö
Ville Niinistö

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