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Greens/EFA group propose €5 trillion sustainable recovery plan

Corona crisis

Today, the Greens/EFA group has just released an in-depth sustainable recovery plan for the EU to exit the Corona virus crisis. The Greens/EFA group are calling for a €5 trillion green recovery to build a more resilient, sustainable, and fairer future for Europe and the world. The recovery plan 'Protect our future: Greens/EFA Recovery and Resilience Plan' can be found on the Greens/EFA website. Next Wednesday, the European Commission will announce their plans for a post-Corona crisis recovery.


Ska Keller MEP, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, comments:


"The way to recover from this crisis is to build a stronger, sustainable and fairer way of living and working together in Europe and the world. It would be an abject surrenderto invest scarce resources in returning to the 'business as usual' that has proved so fragile, or to cancel any of the EU’s past achievements or existing ambitions. 


"The recovery from the crisis must be about building our resilience by improving public services and especially ensuring our healthcare systems are fit for purpose. This crisis has shown that we need new EU competencies on health coordination and disaster preparedness.


"We must have the economic clout to tackle crises from the moment they occur. The EU should invest in an unprecedented five trillion euro sustainable investment plan for the coming 12 years, by redesigning supply chains, strengthening of democracy at home and abroad and creating the conditions for inclusive societies. We must build European solidarity through deeper cooperation, readiness in the near term and for a future EU that demonstrates real cooperation, compassion and common action." 


Philippe Lamberts MEP, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, comments:


"We have one chance to turn the recovery from this unprecedented crisis into the most ambitious social, economic and environmental transformation the world has ever seen. We must come together to harness the incredible collective wealth of material and intellectual resources of the people in Europe.


"This recovery must be built on sustainability so that we do not let one crisis deepen another. The Commission's recovery plan must include a cross-sector commitment to keeping global heating under 1.5 degrees. It must prioritise protecting biodiversity, reducing pollution and putting the Green Deal and circular economy at the driving force of the new economy. It's time to put an end to subsidising unsustainable businesses that damage our planet and its ecosystems.


"This crisis must give us pause for thought on how we can build a fairer world. We have a common responsibility to help people that have been hit hardest by the crisis and the urgent need to address inequalities in the EU. We must be bold enough to push through radical action such as capping CEOs’ salaries, dividends and bonuses. No more public money should be funnelled into companies operating in tax havens. Together, we can create an economy focused on quality employment and good corporate citizenship over short-term greed."



The recovery plan 'Protect our future: Greens/EFA Recovery and Resilience Plan' is available here:

The Greens/EFA Presidents, Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts, will present the recovery plan at a dedicated webinar today at 13.00. Register here:


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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