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Greens/EFA call for increased action and ambition on climate

Today, the Fit for 55 climate package was debated in the European Parliament against the background of the IPCC climate report and this summer's flood and heat disasters. The measures presented in July’s climate package must be implemented sooner than targeted by the Commission. 
Bas Eickhout,Vice-President of the Greens/EFA group and Vice-Chair of the Environment committee, comments:

“Floods, forest fires, heat waves and droughts are making the terrible consequences of climate change clear for everyone. The Fit for 55 package is welcomed but it needs to go further if we are to avoid ever worsening effects. It’s clear that the EU needs to up its ambition on renewables, on energy efficiency, and on ending the era of fossil fuels. 

“We need fast and effective adaptation measures. We need the coal phase-out by 2030 and an end to fossil fuel subsidies. The surplus certificates from CO2 emissions trading must be taken out of emissions trading. We call on Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioner Frans Timmermans to make the EU the international climate champion ahead of the UN climate conference.”
Ahead of tomorrow's (Wednesday, 15 September) State of the European Union address by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the Greens/EFA Group has written to the Commission President and Vice-President Frans Timmermans calling for a massive step up in the pace of concrete climate action. 
- > Read the letter here

Read More: Climate Package offers lift-off for climate protection


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Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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