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First EU limits for heavy-duty vehicles vital to reduce pollution

CO2 emissions

Early Tuesday morning, trilogue negotiations have concluded on the "CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles" regulation, which would see substantial reductions in CO2 emissions from trucks and heavy goods vehicles.

Trucks and heavy goods vehicles will have to reduce their CO2 emissions by 15% by 2025, and by 30% by 2030, compared with 2019 levels. Thanks to the pressure of the European Parliament, the targets for 2030 are now legally binding. In 2022, the Commission will also have to propose post-2030 targets in line with the Paris Agreement.

In addition, the European Parliament succeeded in introducing a 2% sales benchmark for zero- and low-emission vehicles as of 2025 to incentivise manufacturers to invest in alternatives to polluting diesel trucks.

Bas Eickhout, European Parliament's rapporteur on the proposal, Greens/EFA MEP and leading candidate in the European elections, comments:

"If we are to meet the needs of the planet and our health then we need to drastically reduce pollution and the transport sector has a big part to play. It is a great success that the EU is taking action for the first time on CO2 emissions from heavy duty vehicles. The regulation now goes further than the original proposed by the European Commission and will help to reduce pollution on our roads and to improve air quality.

"The future of cleaner trucks will be driven by innovation and that's why it's vital that incentives for the production of low-emission and zero-emission vehicles were included in the regulation and should encourage the auto industry to spur on change and advances in technology.

"It is shameful that some governments still put the interest of their industry before the interest of the people. Especially Germany and some Central European Member States blocked more ambitious targets. Cleaner engines can create a cleaner climate and future-proof jobs. It's time for EU Member States to pull the brake on their short-sighted support for the combustion engine and instead encourage the development of greener alternatives that in the end will also benefit the industry."


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Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
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Photo by Daniel Moqvist on Unsplash
Smokestacks in Hinsebergsvägen, Frövi, Sweden

Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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