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Fate of Fidesz in EPP to be decided tomorrow

Quote from Ska Keller

Tomorrow (Wednesday 20th) the European People's Party (EPP) will decide on the future of Fidesz, following the recommendation of several members to expel the Hungarian party from the EPP. Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA Group and leading candidate of the European Greens for the European elections comments:

"Members of the conservative European People's Party will decide tomorrow how they stand on European values. It is not enough just to make grand statements, the EPP must also act. That includes for their own party family. Viktor Orbán has undermined freedom of the press in Hungary, forced a university to close and harassed NGOs. He is driving an inhumane and anti-Semitic campaign. Anyone who keeps someone like that in the party family shares responsibility. Manfred Weber cannot be trusted as a candidate for the EU's top job if he continues to defend Orbán. It is the duty of a Commission President to defend European values and protect the European treaties."


Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
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© Alexander Briel
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