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Press release |

European Schools

EU-subsidised 'European Schools' must now respect non-discrimination


In its vote on the EU budget today, the European Parliament approved a Greens/EFA amendment demanding that the 14 so-called "European Schools" (which receive EU financing) must respect non-discriminatory principles. This follows the denial of access to an autistic pupil at the European School Brussels II.

UK Green MEP Jean Lambert, Member of the EP Committee on Employment and Social Affaires said:

"I am pleased that the European Parliament has insisted on non-discrimination and equal opportunities to be respected in European Schools in order for them to qualify for EU subsidies. No child should be denied an education in a European School on grounds of a disability. Earlier this month, the EU signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is therefore only logical that the EU should subsidise its schools that contravene the Convention's provision for barrier-free access to education for people with disabilities."


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