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European Parliament vote on the Rule of Law in Romania

Quote from Ska Keller

The European Parliament has just passed a resolution on the Rule of Law in Romania with a large majority. Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament comments:

"This vote sends a clear sign from the European Parliament to the Romanian government that damaging the rule of law and de facto legalising corruption is unacceptable. Rampant corruption and the erosion of the rule of law goes against European values. The Romanian government must implement the recommendations of the Venice Commission and bring about a national anti-corruption strategy without delay.

"Romania is about to take over the rotating presidency of the European Council and with that role will come a special focus on the country. Bucharest should use the opportunity of its Council presidency to lead on good governance and start by implementing reforms that strengthen the rule of law at home."


More: European Parliament motion for resolution on the Rule of Law in Romania


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