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Press release |

EU-US trade

MEPs support unrealistic approach to trade deal

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its position on future EU-US trade negotiations. The Greens criticised the report, with Green trade spokesperson Yannik Jadot stating:

"The report adopted today by the EP represents an unrealistic approach to a future EU-US trade agreement. There are real concerns about the precedent an EU-US free trade agreement could set, notably for the multilateral trade system. It is unrealistic that the necessary regulatory convergences required for an FTA could be achieved, given the various layers of regulatory decision-making in the US.

"The Greens also have concerns about the very diverse definitions of 'public services' in eventual service liberalisation negotiations, as well concerns with the questions of food imports, GMOs and climate change policy. We should not simply sweep these fundamental disagreements under the table to facilitate easier negotiations. For all these reasons, the Greens voted against the report and regret that the EP today glossed over these very real concerns."


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Position Paper
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot

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