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EU-Ukraine Summit

MEPs appeal to Yanukovich on Tymoshenko's detention conditions

Ahead of the upcoming EU-Ukraine summit, a cross-party group sent an appeal to the Ukrainian government asking it to guarantee humane detention conditions and appropriate medical treatment for Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (1). Commenting on the situation of Ms Tymoshenko, Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group and Werner Schulz, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who initiated the appeal, said: 

"The disrespectful treatment of ailing Julia Tymoshenko shows clearly that personal interests and vengeance are more important to President Victor Yanukovych and his oligarchs than human rights and rule of law. 

Despite repeated assurances by Yanukovych to EU officials over the last few months, the situation of the detained ex-Prime Minister has deteriorated further. 

It is regrettable that the association agreement with Ukraine still cannot be signed, despite the ending of the technical negotiations. The EU must use this summit to let President Yanukovych clearly understand what is at stake for him and that the European Union will not compromise. Attempts to blackmail the EU by saying that Ukraine could instead turn to Putin's Eurasian Union are not acceptable and also not supported by the majority of Ukrainian citizens." 

Note to editors: 

Please find the full text of the appeal at:

APPEAL to the Ukrainian Government to guarantee adequate medical treatment and decent detainment conditions for Yulia Tymoshenko


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