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EU summit/investment plan

Mega-wish-list of projects must be tidied up

EU heads of state and government will meet on Thursday and Friday of this week to consider the investment plan proposed by Commission president Juncker, among other issues. The European Parliament today held a debate, ahead of the summit. In the context of the debate, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

“It is welcome that Commission president Juncker is looking to counterbalance the effects of the financial crisis and the austerity-focused response by proposing an investment plan. However, the mega-wish-list of projects proposed by EU member states to secure funding does not provide a basis for a sustainable economic recovery. The list includes a plethora of projects that would damage the environment, as well as bloated projects that are difficult to finance. This is not a viable way to fight unemployment. The list includes nuclear energy projects totalling around €100 billion, as well as billions for coal industry projects. Climate protection and resource efficiency hardly feature on the project list. This list only has one direction: back to the past.

"Commissioner Timmermans is known for being a 'tidier-upper'. Together with Commission president Juncker, he must go through this list and ensure all backward-looking projects disappear from the radar of the investment plan."

Rebecca Harms will attend the EU summit on Thursday and Friday and will be available for comments.


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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