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Press release |

EU summit

Summit fails to reclaim EU lead role in climate policy

Commenting on the conclusions of the EU summit of heads of state and government, Greens/EFA President Rebecca Harms said:

"The Council has let slip Europe's chance to reclaim the leading role in climate negotiations in Copenhagen. EU leaders have narrowly avoided total disgrace by at least proposing fast-track financing for climate adaptation in developing countries – but they needed to do far more.

The summit failed to deliver the necessary step up in the EU's emissions reduction target from 20% to 30%. For a year, the EU has dangled the possibility of a 30% commitment on condition of other countries' improving their positions, something many have recently done. Europe is still stubbornly keeping its foot on the brakes when it has an opportunity to step climate talks up a gear.

The Council also failed to clarify long-term financing for developing countries. The EU's stance is still based on a position that is not consistent with its declared goal of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius."

Greens/EFA updates from Copenhagen are available via the Stop Climate Change campaign website and Twitter:


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