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Press release |

EU summit

Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts at the European Council

Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts will be attending the European Council on 17/18 March. Philippe will be arriving at the summit at 16.15 and will be available for interviews and questions in the press area.

Ahead of the summit, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said:

"EU leaders are edging towards moral bankruptcy in their response to the refugee crisis. Faced with a massive humanitarian crisis at our borders and a growing one within Europe, the dithering and division among EU governments is unpicking the common values which are the foundations of the European Union. Instead of haggling on how to outsource their responsibility to receive refugees fleeing from conflict and persecution, EU leaders should end their shameful unwillingness to agree and implement a common European response to accepting and distributing these refugees.

"While it is necessary to work with the Turkish authorities to ensure a more humane and organised approach, this cannot be an excuse for member states to ditch previous relocation commitments. It also cannot lead EU governments to shy away from exerting political pressure on the Erdogan regime to ensure respect of fundamental rights and political pluralism. With the situation in Turkey again spiralling out of control, the EU must renew efforts to push for a peaceful solution to the conflict in the country."


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Responsible MEPs

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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