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Press release |

EU-Russia report

Sanctions must be maintained until Minsk agreement respected

The European Parliament today adopted a report on EU-Russia relations, including  a clear call for sanctions to be maintained. After the vote, Green foreign policy spokesperson Tamas Meszerics said:

"The European Parliament has today clearly called for sanctions on Russia to be maintained until the Minsk agreement is respected. It is crucial that the EU is consistent on the question of sanctions; perpetual debates on whether or not to adapt the current sanctions will not lead to any progress in the current conflict. When Russia returns to international norms and respects international law, we can then renew efforts to strengthen our cooperation."

Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

"The EU sanctions aim to strengthen diplomacy and push for peace in eastern Ukraine. However, beyond sanctions, Europe must increase its independence from the Kremlin's whims. The EU must prioritise its Energy Union and ensure domestic and home-grown solutions like energy efficiency and renewables are at its heart. This will strengthen European security.

"In order to credibly respond to Vladimir Putin, the EU and the European Parliament must act in unity. To this end, it is correct that no official European Parliament delegation travels to Russia under the current circumstances of the blacklist of EU politicians. That would mean that Putin himself can decide who is allowed to participate in dialogue from the European side, whom we meet and about what we talk. Clearly all MEPs remain open to engage in dialogue with citizens of Russia where this is possible."

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European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Tamás Meszerics
Tamás Meszerics

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